Hypocrite was a child of rebellion, born in the political unrest of May 1968
that changed much of France. She began her fictional life as a daily comic strip character in France-Soir in 1971 as an attempt to bring a younger, hipper audience to the then-staid, conservative

It wasn't long before her skimpy outfits, sexy demeanor and outrageous adventures resulted in a best-selling hardcover
collection, released by Dargaud, one of the largest French comic book publishers.
Two years later, she began to appear regularly in the pages of Pilote, the most succesful French weekly comics magazine of the 1970s.

In her first adventure, Hypocrite is sent by her family as an exchange student to Scotland where she investigates
the mysteries of a haunted castle and the Loch Ness Monster. She meets her sidekick, Mister Destiny.
In her second adventure, Hypocrite is transported to a future Earth where she meets characters from Mysterieuse, Matin, Midi et Soir,
Professor Alizarine and his friends.
Finally, in the third instalment in the series, Hypocrite becomes involved in a galactic conflict between meat-eaters
and vegetarians.
Hypocrite et le Monstre du Loch Ness (story & art); France-Soir (1971);
SERG (1971)
Hypocrite 2: Comment décoder l'Etircopyh
(story & art), Pilote (1972); Dargaud
Hypocrite 3: N'importe quoi de cheval
(story & art), Pilote (1973); Dargaud
