Leonid Beaudragon is a famous ghost-hunter
who, with the help of his devoted assistant, Mademoiselle Sonia-Solange (or "So"), fearlessly investigates
the supernatural.
His first adventure pits him against a Chinese ghost in an abandoned Parisian house. Then he travels to Canada
to face Native American spirits. Finally, in his third story, Leonid goes hunting an underwater monster.
Leonid Beaudragon 1: Le fantôme du Mandchou fou (story)
(drawn by Didier Savard), Bayard (1986)
Leonid Beaudragon 2: La nuit des totems
(story) (drawn by Didier Savard), Alpen Publishers (1990)
Leonid Beaudragon 3: Le scaphandrier du lundi
(story) (drawn by Didier Savard), Alpen Publishers (1992)